Sunday, January 6, 2013

First Week of the Year

Vacations are weird.

I'm sure most people had at least a little one somewhere around New Year's. For me, the vacation was a couple days off work and not writing any drabbles for a couple of weeks starting around Christmas.

You probably noticed that I haven't blogged so much lately, either. There's an element of vacation to that, too, but the fact is that I've just been plain busy. I find that the only way I can get anything done at all on a day off from work is by having a million deadlines and way too much to do. Otherwise, I subconsciously write the day off as one where I can be lazy, and end up doing nothing!

So this week, I organized my To-Do List, which I hadn't used in quite a while. It consists of some of the writing goals I mentioned in my last entry, a handful of free online learning courses, and some commitments I've made to communities (such as keeping up the Facebook group).

I may be a little behind on this blog and my drabbles, but as for beta reading I'm swamping myself halfway to Hell already. Even though I'm just getting started on Duth Olec's Slubes for my second pass, I went over to Absolute Write and started talks with four or five different people about how I can start beta reading their novels. They range from an in-progress story to a 130,000 word epic, but I'm excited about all of them. Needless to say, just getting started on that has really kept me busy by itself.

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