Saturday, September 29, 2012

Exploring Characters

So what exactly can you expect from the second edition of The Third Face? I kind of hinted that I want it to be longer, but besides that there's really been little about the actual content of this update.

First and foremost, I want to take a look at each of my characters. Some of them have had plenty of time in the limelight, and others didn't appear at all until the last few chapters. It seemed as if I did that with no rhyme or reason other than what made sense with the flow of the story.

But the book could grow significantly if I gave all those other characters their own sides of the story, in full. I mean, there's been a lot of just vaguely mentioning what people were up to, and that kind of continued in The Demon's Guardian, admittedly. I don't think that's really necessary, because there's definitely a lot of room for expansion with such a short book!

Not only do I want to spend more time on each character, I want to add some smaller things to help them come alive. What's the character's worst fear? Does he or she have a nervous tic? What foods do they like best? I won't just add these things in for their own sake, but when I get the chance I'd like to demonstrate some of them over the course of the trilogy.

There's one other way I want to expand on my characters, but I think that one deserves its own entry, so check back in about a week for that!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Now for the most overdue post in the history of this blog: the one where I announce the thing I've already announced everywhere else.

If you haven't bought The Third Face yet, get over to Smashwords and grab it for FREE this week! On September 29th, the version I originally published is going to disappear forever.

That's because I've decided it needs a complete rewrite. Spending a couple of hours in Creative Writing class, combined with my regrets about the story, confirmed that for me. I mean, in that class, I actually LIKE reading the textbook! It's a good class, and even though we're completely focused on poetry, it all applies to novel writing, too.

Thus, this book is going to be completely unavailable for, perhaps, a few months. But it will be completely worth it for the places I'm going to take it--this time, I can rightly refer to it as a novel, rather than the novella it really is. At least, that's my hope.