Monday, December 3, 2012

Expanding Art

A couple of things just happened. First, Melanie Rio at Ink Out Loud (a great blog by the way) made this post about finding other ways of expressing creativity, and how valuable that is to keep away frustration while writing. Then, an old buddy of mine brought up the old days when we wanted to start a band, and he said that this time we need to actually go through with it.

Connections. I don't believe in coincidence.

For basically my whole high school career, my dream job was "Author/Musician." I had dreams of being a rock star, actually. This time it's not quite like that. I just want to make the music and produce something worth listening to. Needless to say, I've taken a step in the creative, artistic direction in that respect. Fame and fortune are right out.

That's kind of the attitude we have to have if we want to juggle more than one thing here. I believe in setting goals high, sure, but it's one thing to be focused on that goal and another to try and have two. I could be a rock star, but I'd have to put down my other ambitions and start putting my everything into that, and that's not what I want. I want my everything to be in writing, and it is. The music is just a hobby (although having that freedom of soundtrack for book trailers and such could be a perk!)

What I'm trying to say is, know where you stand, and how many tasks you can handle. Because the more you have, the greater the temptation is to give one up. Like Melanie said, don't force yourself into doing the things that are supposed to be fun. Keep them up as long as it continues to make sense for you to do so. Using limits to make things into a reward is even better, and with more than one creative outlet going on at the same time, that concept can be used even more effectively!

Don't be afraid to break away for a bit. Sometimes, that's all you need to get the thirst back.

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