Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cover Art Contest

I've been kind of talking about doing a cover art contest for The Third Face for a while now. While I originally mentioned that I might have it right after the actual novel is finished, I decided that I want to start much sooner, to give artists more time to discover the contest and work on entries.

So, the contest officially begins today, and will last until February 24th, 2013. That's just over two months, and in that time I'd like to promote it as much as possible, so if you have friends that are cover artists, definitely invite them to enter! There's a $50 prize at stake, not to mention the fact that I'll broadcast the winner and do my best to give the artist the exposure he or she deserves. There will most likely also be free books involved.

I'm leaving the contest more or less open-ended. The site with all of the contest information includes a decent helping of information on the book itself, as well. It should give you an idea of what elements you might include. From there, though, everything from the medium to the composition is up to the artist.

 Sound interesting? Think a friend might be up to it? Here's the link. Hope to see that entry soon!

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