Monday, November 19, 2012


Wow, it's already been a week since my last blog entry. At the pace I've been trying to keep, that's too long. There's a reason for that, but it's personal, and I don't really want to get into it too much here, since this blog is all about writing, and I don't want to derail things.

But that doesn't mean I should hide my personal life from the world. If you want to know a bit more about me as a person, you should have that option. I'm real, living and breathing! Things happen to me, and I react in certain ways. My writing wouldn't be where it is if it wasn't for the events in my life.

So to give you that option, without forcing that information on you, I'm creating a second blog called Becoming the Catalyst (a reference to an All That Remains song that I love) and it will handle all of that stuff. At time of this writing, I haven't actually made any entries to it, but the bare bones of it are there, to be worked on over the next few days when I get the chance.

Meanwhile, I've got a couple of things going on over at Wordpress. I'll soon be doing a test run to review some video games over at Operation Rainfall, and that should give me some more experience blogging and using that particular setup. After that, it'll be time to try my hand at my own website there.

Basically, I want it to be my new writing hub, with all the information and news I share available in one place through their more advanced systems. I like Blogger a lot, but it's a bit too limited in some aspects.

That doesn't mean this blog is going to shut down, though. My plan is to set up a system so that when I post on the new Wordpress blog, a copy is automatically published here on Blogger. There's no guarantee it'll work, but it's my best shot right now.

Wish me luck keeping track of all these!


  1. Will the new blog have its posts sent to Twitter, and will I ever see the answer you give on your blog here??

  2. You mean the personal blog or the Wordpress one? I switched the Twitter postings from that service you recommended to one called If This Then That ( and it seems to be pretty good at handling this kind of stuff. What I'm hoping is that it can also send my Wordpress entries back here.

    At this point, though, I'm not planning to send posts from Becoming the Catalyst to Twitter.

  3. Oh. Why'd you switch? And yeah I meant Cataclysmic Becoming.

  4. Because IFTTT also has other functions that I like to use. Very versatile, really.
