Monday, March 19, 2012

The Road to Self-Publishing

Since my last entry on this subject, a month has passed. I've been working constantly to perfect all the details of my book, because although I never intended to make more than 5 copies, I wanted them to be the best they could possibly be.

Somewhere in the process, I made a lot more of The Third Face public than I ever have before. I asked for some basic advice on the cover, and suddenly I was getting tips on all of the colors and details used on it. Then, when I ordered a proof copy to help perfect the layout, everyone who saw it started to get excited. It seems that when you say "I'm writing a book," most people don't really care beyond the conversation. But when there's something visible about it, everyone takes notice.

That's why even though I had pretty much lost interest in The Third Face, it's becoming something much more important now. I'm spending more time focused on it, and its direct sequel, which remains unnamed for the moment, is actually beating out other novel ideas in my mind for once. This isn't just that novel that I've been working on for way too long anymore. It's a real thing, and it's finally about to take its place in the market.

The next proof should be error-free, and at that time I'll be able to approve it, thus finally releasing The Third Face to the public, both in paperback via Createspace and as a Kindle e-book. To allow sufficient time to make sure that absolutely everything is going to be exactly the way it needs to be, the official release date is going to be Thursday, April 5th. I'll update pretty often with the status of things as that date approaches, but for now, enjoy the cover:

Voices, twisted memories, and accusations torment Rasuke, the lone human in an alien world. He can't explain his thoughts or actions, and when the pressure becomes too much to bear he's forced to escape his village. A risen demon and a crazy old dead man hold the pieces to the explanation Rasuke seeks, but he is merely a pawn in a higher war. To find the truth, prove his worth, and survive a battle decades in the making, he must confront the very messenger of his god, and win.

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