Saturday, February 23, 2013


There have been times when I had so many things to say that sometimes I had to hold back, so I wouldn't overwhelm everyone. Things probably got lost at those points as I waited for the right time to bring up a new subject.

In all that, I've said my piece over and over again, and probably some other people's pieces too. And today, since it's been a few days since I last did so, I wanted to say another piece. Well, it turns out that I'm out of pieces. Yup. Nothing to say.

I talked to a couple of friends about it, and here's how that went: "Blog about that."

Now, obviously I ended up listening to this advice, or you wouldn't be reading this right now. But at first it seemed silly: Hey, I don't know what to write. The end!

It's a form of writer's block, I suppose. I don't normally get this type during my fiction work--there are a million other kinds of writer's block and I get one or a few of those--but it kind of came back to hit me this time. I guess I always had a feeling that if I kept blogging, eventually there would just be nothing left to say.

So, here's my next blogging mission: how does one go about finding a subject for these entries, day after day? It's obviously an important one, because many people don't find a topic for weeks at a time.

First, though, I want to ask you, readers: What do you do when you have nothing left to say?

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