Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Step

This blog entry (like many of them) is long overdue, and I'm expecting to have so much to say that I have to continue my thoughts on a second entry later this week. So, here we go!

Things are sort of hectic for me these days. As a senior in high school, the clock is ticking for graduation. I have to have lots of things done and ready, especially big class assignments and the stuff to show off at my open house just a week from now. Once that's done, I have exams and graduation plans to worry about.

"What are you going to do after you graduate?" Admit it, you want to ask me that. Everyone does, because everyone gets asked that at least a hundred times. And, to be quite honest, I have absolutely no answer to that.

Messing around in Minecraft and World of Warcraft while occasionally drawing a Pokemon comic offers both fun and social appeal, but none of it really leads anywhere. Half the world dreams of working for some video game company, designing new game ideas or--in perhaps the most coveted job in existence--testing and reviewing.

"Writing doesn't pay the bills." "Nobody ever makes it trying to be a rock star." I have all kinds of ideas for where to go with my life, but every single one is steeped in a legendary impossibility like these ones. Taking those challenges doesn't seem to be a very popular option with the people who need something from me or want me to do well, and how can I disappoint them?

Next time I'll explain how I'm going to deal with all of this, once and for all.

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