Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Secondary Project

Well, let's look at the status of things. I'm currently in the middle of negotiating a beta read for another work. This time I was assured that it's epic fantasy, so phew, right direction. Meanwhile, there's also someone beta reading The Third Face. She says that it'll probably be done by the end of January and--oh, wow, that's coming up really soon, isn't it?

As soon as I get my comments back I'm going to start revising like hell. I'm not sure how much time I have for this in February, but my school's writing contest may or may not be accepting novels as of this year. As in, we'll see. Still, for something that's essentially a matter of chance (and probably a slim one at that) I'm pretty excited about this.

I have a couple weeks to go till then, though. What to do with them? I don't want to stop writing, but I don't want to revise The Third Face or start on a new project just yet. The solution? Something completely different! This is probably kind of pointless and stupid but... my autobiography. It is going to exist. At least partially. I don't think I should try to get too far when I'm only 18 and all. But still, yeah. That's the writing I'll be doing for now. Not like I need another project at the moment, but eh. I can handle it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh at some point I'll totally write my autobiography but in classic me style it'll be nonsense.
    There was some writer who once write a biography for himself I read in a textbook that was pretty nonsensical, but I can't remember who it was...
