Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Look

If you're looking at this blog post seriously, odds are it's because I haven't added many other posts yet. You're either one of the first people to look at this blog, or so interested in it that you actually looked towards the back.

Regardless, you've invested your time in me and my blog, and maybe even my book. There might not even be anyone or anything telling you that it's worth it--just your personal faith. That's something really valuable, and I just want to start off by thanking you for it.

So, what can you expect out of this blog?

First and foremost, I'd like to spend a lot of time reading and reviewing other people's books. So if you keep reading, you'll probably get to know my personal opinion on what I've read. You'll find a lot of dark fantasy and a bit of science fiction here.

What I review could be anything from a popular classic to an unpublished manuscript. You see, since I do some work in editing other people's novels, I often get a look at them before anyone else, even publishers. With the author's permission I'll review (and promote) their work on this blog.

Of course, I have to admit I'm not entirely selfless. You wouldn't expect me to do all that and then not talk about my own novel, would you? I'll probably talk a lot about how it's going and my quest for publishing and all that other good stuff. Later on, I'll post actual material for it like excerpts and summaries and stuff.

Hey, wait, why can't I post a summary right now?

Oh, and also the link back to my website: Link!

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