Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mass production is a weird thing.

So if I stop to take count, I suppose I've seen seven copies of The Third Face out there. Four of those are in my house; of the others, two are signed, and one of those two has a page in it declaring that it's a proof copy.

But there's really nothing distinguishing them besides that. Those differences are on the inside, and when I just look at them, they're all identical. Since it was released so recently, they're all basically in perfect condition, too. Seeing the same thing every time with no differences at all is tricking my mind into thinking that there's just one in existence and that it somehow is magically just moving to all of these different places.

It also doesn't help that my family, after taking breaks from reading, is leaving their copies in random places around the house. I never know when I'm going to see one next.

This probably sounds very silly, but it's starting to get to me.

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