Tuesday, July 12, 2011


After that last long, formal post with all those fancy techniques, it's a little embarrassing to do this one.

You see, after all this time, I think it's safe to conclude that that stuff doesn't work at all. What was I thinking, anyway? I was sitting there trying to make myself do things, so my solution was to try to make myself do more things in hopes that that would somehow help.

Maybe there's some psychologist or something out there that can mess with my mind until it likes work! In all seriousness, though, this is where I admit defeat and look for some kind of alternative. As excited as I am about writing, and as much as I want The Third Face to see the light of day, maybe it's time to just... give it a rest for a while.

Let's see what happens if I pursue other things in life for a while. Just... don't let me forget how important this has been to me.

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